Autobiography/ Memoir
At Pickawoowoo, we’ve helped many individuals self-publish this particular genre from first-timers to successful authors - everyday individuals to high profile.
It is particularly rewarding to see authors leave a legacy to their immediate family. We often say - without their documentation of memories their knowledge and their journey would be lost.
Autobiography vs. Biography vs. Memoir
Put simply there are three main formats used to tell a life story, a biography, an autobiography, and a memoir.
There are some distinct differences. Simply put, a biography is the life history of an individual, written by someone else. An autobiography is the story of a person’s life, written by that person. And a memoir is a collection of memories written by the person themselves.
The main difference between a biography vs. an autobiography is that the author of a biography is not the subject.
An autobiography is the story of a person’s life written by that person. Because the author is also the main character of the story, autobiographies are written in the first person.
Most our our authors undertaking an autobiography are portraying their life experiences and achievements. Therefore, most autobiographies are written later in the subject’s life. In essence they often begin during early childhood and chronologically detail key events throughout their life and are more subjective. That’s because they are written by the author themselves, and the story is based on their own memories of a specific situation.
Memoir comes from the French word mémoire, meaning - reminiscence ... a memory.
Similar to an autobiography, a memoir is the story of a person’s life written by that person. The main difference between a memoir and an autobiography is that memoirs focus on establishing an emotional connection through private or public events in their life and are less factual.
If you would like to view some of our autobiographies we have done recently then click the button below.
Moving forward.
Call us directly on 1300 88 5858 or place an enquiry to find out how you can publish your autobiography / memoir book.