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Children's Books

This is a genre that we excel in. Why? Because Pickawoowoo has a trade publishing division,  'Mind Body Spirit'  books for children (2005). Our award winning books travelled the world but as author services took over our time the team decided to concentrate on helping others to fulfill their dreams. Since then we have supported authors worldwide.

​Publishing a children’s book can be a time-consuming and overwhelming process. Steps like finding the right illustrator, editing your manuscript, designing the interior and exterior layout, proofreading and finally deciding which publishing platforms to choose from (and avoid the pitfalls) all takes valuable time and money.

If you are not a celebrity or 'named name' author then the traditional publishing route is incredibly competitive and soul destroying with rejections. Furthermore, DIY self-publishing is just as difficult to get off the ground.

The best approach for many children's authors will be to self-publish with expert help. Don't get caught in the predatory publishing traps online - the obvious model is vanity publishing but others call it co-operative/joint publishing - if you pay to publish under someone's imprint, no matter what they say - it is vanity publishing. 

A more equitable and transparent model

You have access to Pickawoowoo's professional author services and therefore can reach exactly the same suppliers and readers that those predatory models do - and NOT at inflated prices.

Independent publishing (self publish) offers you the chance to hold on to much more of the revenue in the long-run, full control, earning back your investment over time. By partnering with Pickawoowoo's author services and accessing our expertise and talented team, you’ll get the best chance of earning a return on your investment.

Warning - children’s books may seem like the simplest books you could write, and in many ways that is true for the author—but the rest of the publishing process is far more complex. It’s up to you to create an original and engaging story, yet so much of your success depends on your support team (editor, designer, and illustrator). Expert support is absolutely crucial for publishing a children’s book.

5 facts you need to know

We want our authors to explore publishing a children's book with their eyes wide open, so these facts are a great place to start. There is no authoritative guide to self-publishing a children’s book and there are as many types of children’s books as there are self-help books. Pickawoowoo as a trade publisher of Mind Body Spirit books for children since 2005 obviously can share their expertise but as a future author/publisher these 5 facts give you what to consider when creating a typical children’s book (e.g., illustrations, printing options, trim sizes, ebooks) before you start.

5 Facts                Cost to print          Children's' Book Gallery           


Moving Forward

Should you wish to talk to any of our previous children authors just let us know and we'll get you in touch.

Call us directly on 1300 88 5858 or place an enquiry to find out how you can publish your children's book.

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